Tuesday, December 30, 2014

Preditors and Editors Reader Poll Voting is Open!

The Preditors and Editors Yearly Reader Poll is open and looking for your votes!

There are nominees in every category, many of them from the incredible talent at Breathless Press. Some of the nominees (poster compliments of author Torie James)

You can choose from the books listed or add others- just scroll all the way down the voting page in a category and add the nominee there.  Just click the link below and scroll until you reach the voting section:

Readers Poll Voting

There is nothing an author enjoys more than to know readers like their books so take a moment and cast your vote or nominee.  Now, go read something!

In other news...

If you are waiting for the paperback version of Witness Protection, don't forget it is currently available for pre-order on the BP website (release date is January 20, 2015)

Pre-order Witness Protection here!

I hope that all of you had a wonderful holiday season and are ready for a fresh start in 2015!

Sunday, December 21, 2014

Holiday Happenings!

Four days until Christmas...have you finished your shopping yet? Remember, books are great gifts!

Witness Protection is doing well in ebook! Thank you to all who have read it. Feel free to offer up a review on Amazon or Goodreads. They love it on those pages when books get comments. If you haven't read it yet and are looking for a fun read full of action and a sexy cop with a little attitude check it out on Amazon or Breathless Press.

If you one of the many folks that have been holding out for the print version....It is NOW AVAILABLE FOR PRE-ORDER at Breathless Press (Print)  !!!!   I can't tell you how exciting this is! Release date is January 20th!

There are hundreds of others to choose from as well, both print and ebook at www.Breathlesspress.com.

Maybe you just need a quick escape from the hustle and bustle of the holidays. One of my favorite short story (BP calls them "Flirts") authors, Spencer Dryden has a new release this week:

Follow this link for a summary of the story. It's heart warming and relatable: New Flirt

I have a new book in the works, due for release sometime in the early spring. I just received the amazing cover art and will be doing a cover art reveal just after the New Year. The artist did an amazing job and I can not wait for you all to see it! The title is Undercover in Six Inch Stilettos.

I would like to take a moment to wish you all the very best this holiday season.

Sunday, December 14, 2014

Twelve Breathless Days of Christmas


Beginning today and running through Christmas Eve, Breathless Press is giving away two free ebooks per day to newsletter subscribers!

       Click here to sign up: Breathless Press Newsletter Sign Up

There are dozens of talented authors at BP! From today's free downloads I chose one called Mistletoe Madness:

Click here to check it out- Mistletoe Madness

Books make great gifts and Breathless Press literally offers something for everyone so head on over and see what might suit your fancy...Breathless Press

Of course, you an always pick up a copy of Witness Protection :-)

Monday, December 1, 2014

Cyber Monday Sale!

Looking for some great gifts for the romance readers in your life? Check out the Breathless Press and Lycaon Press (Young Adult titles) Cyber Monday sale for deep discounts on all print and ebooks. Witness Protection is currently $2.60!


There are hundreds of titles by very talented authors- a little something for everyone!